Heyyo ^^


18 y.o |ISTP

Ensemble Stars, Anthos*, VS Ambivalenz, Tsukipro, Aoppella, Technoroid, Idolish7, Paradox live (especially BAE), Male seiyuu, Animangas, Webtoon, Cat.
Before you follow
I tweet about my interest, daily life or anythings, sometimes bulol, random, receh, i use capslock a lot, kinda selective following.
Don't follow if ❌
Uncomfortable with me (ngapain follow yakan), Islamphobic, fit the basic dni criteria, heavy nsfw acc, heavy yume acc, and heavy kpop acc (sorry about that, tapi kalau gak terlalu sering gpp kok)

Let's be moots ⊂((・▽・))⊃

My faves

My comfort OTP